Friday, November 6, 2009

November 5th meeting. . .

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am LOVING what I am learning. I have been hungering for a forum like this for a long time. There is so much to learn, to understand and to share. . .My confidence is growing in my ability to articulate what I believe. Thank you for the "safe" atmosphere of sharing thoughts that we enjoy together. I love our country and all that it stands for. . .I know that our Founding Fathers---and the Lord, for that matter--expect Americans to be students of the Constitution and missionaries for the principles on which this nation was founded.

I am excited about the role playing that we plan to do. . .I need practice in sharing my opinions with strength and in such a way that I can motivate others to learn more of what it truly means to be a free people in these United States. Should we have a "one topic" role play at each meeting? Spending a portion of our time in that way each time we meet may be just the practice that we need. . .let me know what you think.

Below is the link for the talk from Elder Oaks that we had agreed to discuss next month:
Also, the other assignment is to read chapter 4 of Liberty and Tyranny and principles 5 and 6 of The Five Thousand Year Leap.

We decided to divide the cost of two CD sets of the History of Freedom lecture series. If you can donate 20.00 to the cost of purchase, that would be great! (The total cost for two sets is 140.00.)

Thank you also to Juleen for teaching us about contacting our representatives. (You can Google "American Family Association" to sign up to get their emails notifications. Sounds like a very helpful organization.) If anyone makes contact with the reps and wants to share their experience to encourage the rest of us, please do! I know I'd love to hear about it.

Next month's meeting will be December 3rd, 10am at Robin Young's home.

Thank you, thank you again, Gals! Your patriotism is an inspiration!


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