Monday, July 12, 2010

Here we are at our Daughter of Liberty and Daughters First Annual Extravaganza!! Looking forward to other
gatherings where we can discuss, ponder and solve ALL the problems facing humanity! (and eat REALLY good food at
the same time. . .)
Our meeting last Thursday was so jam-packed with inspiration and stimulating conversation. . .I hope this little recap will do it justice!

First of all, we decided our next meeting will be MONDAY August 2nd, 10am at Robin's. August is a "weird" month schedule-wise, so we had to make
a calendar adjustment. Please mark your calendars now and get ready for the fun!
Reading assignment: Next 100 pages of "No Apology", 1st principle in The 5000 Year Leap and chapter 2 of "Original Intent".
Also, it was suggested that we focus a more of our attention on the upcoming elections. Robin, would you be willing to give us a brief presentation on what all is going on in that respect?

Along with the discussions of the books we are reading, Juleen presented the 6th Article which contains what's known as the Supremacy Clause. This is being abused skillfully in the immigration debate.

We also discussed the divinity of freedom and branched into a discussion of the thought that the Abrahamic Covenant is composed of seed (life), Priesthood (God's law, natural law or liberty) and
land (the pursuit of happiness or the ability to create). We all felt that in the premortal life the agency we fought for could have been quite literally "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". If you would
like more details on this rousing discussion, just ask any of us!

It was requested that I provide the three prophecies regarding the Constitution:
Brigham Young: "Will the Constitution be destroyed? No; it will be held inviolate by this people' and as Joseph Smith said, 'The time will come when the destiny of this nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical
juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.' It will be so."

John Taylor: "When the people shall have torn to shreds the Constitution of the United States, the elders of Israel will be found holding it up to the nations of the earth, and
proclaiming liberty and equal rights to all men, and extending the hand of fellowship to the oppressed of all nations."

George Q. Cannon: "The day will come when the Constitution and free government under it will be sustained and preserved by this people."

We discussed that just as the plain and precious truths were taken from the Bible and the gospel had to be restored, the plain and precious truths are being taken
from the Constitution and a restoration is needed.. Perhaps the reason "this people" will preserve and sustain the Constitution is because we understand "restoration".

The Constitution seminar was a BLAST! Cara, Juleen, Lisa, Robin and Heather went down Friday night and Jean and I met up with them on Saturday in Vancouver. FRiday night's meeting was
a discussion of the ever changing definitions of conservatives and constitutionalists. Dr. Kimber left his hospital bed on Friday to be driven to Vancouver by Saturday morning. He was
an incredibly inspiring man to listen to. . .His presentation entitled "The Founders' Charter of Freedom" was inspiring! Part 3 will be presented August 13-14. Don will be joining us, DofLs!! If your
husbands want to come, bring them along!